300 million USD fund from ADB is for skill training and smart textiles in Bangladesh

An approval of 300 million USD from Asian Development Bank (ADB) took place in order to provide skills training and programs for a smarter textiles for Bangladeshi workforce. These program should build institutional capacity of train one of the largest textile workforce in the World.
Bangladesh’s economy growth rate was more than 7% almost throughout the decade and indeed RMG exports, foreign remittance and public investments made it possible to reach that high. In order to reach the goal to have the status as high income country by 2041, all these economic growth helps to pave the path towards that.
In a recent press release, ADB principal social sector specialist Sunhwa Lee said “ADB has been supporting Bangladesh’s nationwide skills programs and is committed to further enhancing the skills and productivity of its large young workforce, with emphasis on technology-oriented advanced skills, managerial capabilities, and innovation capacity based on research and development,”
These skill courses with international certification will escalate to get job in international place as well they can contribute better than before. Additionally, special skills programs will be created for vulnerable groups such as people of disabilities, transgender people, ethnic community members etc. Female worker who are in threat of losing jobs due to automation, up-skills and multi-tasking will be provided along with the support for alternative livelihood, green entrepreneurship and community based empowerment.
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