
Global viscose fibre market to grow 6.2% annually by 2026

BTJ Desk Report
Global viscose fibre market to grow 6.2% annually by 2026

Global viscose fibre market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 6.20% between 2021-2026 to reach 8,016.75 KT (Thousand tons) by 2026.

The Indian market is likely to have the highest growth of 8.90% in this period, while China, the largest market with a share of over 60%, will have a growth rate that is lower than India.

The viscose market size was estimated at 5,934.40 KT in 2021 which grew from 5,050.01 KT in 2015, according to TexPro.

The Viscose stable fibre market is expected to reach 6,290.45 KT in 2022, 6,683.60 KT in 2023, 7,111.34 KT in 2024, 7,555.83 KT in 2025, and 8,016.75 KT in 2026.

In terms of market size, China will be the largest market with an annual growth of 6.79% between 2021-2026 to reach 4,963.20 KT. Therefore, China will claim more than 60% of the global market share.

TexPro also said that the Indian viscose market will grow at the highest pace of 8.90% even though it is a smaller market in comparison with China. India’s market size will grow from 471.77 KT in 2021 to 707.08 KT in 2026.

The rest of Asia-Pacific (other than China, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Russia) will grow more than the global market at 7.20% to reach 556.70 KT, while Russia will claim a share of 6.21% to reach 22.58 KT in the same period.


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