Indian Reliance’s power project is done in Meghnaghat but not producing yet

Indian giant Reliance power project in Meghnaghat of 718 MW is one of the three large gas-based projects under construction at Meghnaghat in Narayanganj, 94% of the project has been completed. Only the testing and commissioning activities of the power plant are left. For this, back feed (power connection required for starting work) and gas supply are required. Sources said that although the power plant is ready, it cannot be started now due to gas shortage.
The total cost of construction of Reliance Meghnaghat 718 MW power plant is about 1 billion dollars. Although the Indian company Reliance Power is the main developer of the power plant, within a few days its majority ownership will go to the Tokyo-based energy sector company Japan’s Energy for a New Era (JERA). JERA now owns 49 percent in the project.
Reliance’s power plant was scheduled to go into commercial production by August 2022 but it got delayed due to Covid pandemic and now due to shortage of gas but hope to start producing from this year.
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