Indonesia and Vietnam gain substantial shift of brassiere orders from the US buyers!

USA has witnessed a 15.63% Y-o-Y surge in its brassiere’s imports during January to August ’22 period, as per the latest data released by OTEXA.
The imports of brassieres were valued at $2.12 billion in the mentioned period as compared to $1.84 billion in the same period of the prior year.
The data suggests that although China still remains the largest supplier of brassieres to the US market with a $638.56 million export value which is around 30% of the US import values, it was Indonesia and Vietnam that gained significant momentum in their respective brassiere exports to the USA.
With $254.12 million brassieres shipment values to USA, Indonesia tapped 52.22% yearly growth which was the highest growth rate among all top exporters.
Vietnam too clocked 31.57% growth in its exports to the USA during the said period earning the US $ 470.67 million in export revenues, second only to China.
Sri Lanka somehow couldn’t maintain its position despite growth and lost its rank to Indonesia. The South Asian Island country exported US $ 197.63 million worth of brassieres to USA, growing by 14.70% on Y-o-Y.
Bangladesh’s growth was decent (8.40%) as it shipped brassiere products to USA worth US $ 112.42 million in the said period.
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