Our services towards the diplomats play a pivotal role in the economy of our country

Diplomatic Security Division of DMP provides security of diplomats, their offices and residences in the region Baridhara and Gulshan diplomatic zone. They are always with service to assist the diplomatic missions to get legal assistance. By providing security to the diplomats through escorts, they are doing a great deal of help to keep them secured in our country and feel safe wherever the diplomats moves in the city of Dhaka.
In a recent exclusive interview with Bangladesh Textile Journal, Md. Ashraful Islam, Deputy Police Commissioner, Diplomatic Security Division, DMP, Dhaka, discussed various aspects of diplomatic security, the impact of these security on the trade and commerce of the country and many more.
How does the Diplomatic Security Division provide services?
We provide security to the diplomats as per the Vienna Convention. Moreover, we provide them mental support to create a feeling of comfort which make them confident about the security of our country.
As a result, they tell the businessmen of their respective countries about the security system of Bangladesh which make their businesses encouraged to come and invest in our country.
How it impacts the foreign businesses and investors?
As an example, Japan is a modern and technology-oriented country and they report their daily movement here including our services towards them.
If we can give them full security then they send positive report to their country’s authority which lead to their investors be motivated and they invest here.
The same thing is applicable for the 50 embassies located in our country.
If they feel comfort with security here, then investors from their country are interested to invest here. Investors of every country, when they want to invest in another country, inquire about that country through the embassies.
By this, our services towards the diplomats play a pivotal role in the economy of our country.
How it plays a role in accelerating export trade with foreign countries?
Well. it also plays a vital role in expanding our exports. If the foreign embassies located in our country is safe and fell comfort, then the communication of the manufacturers and exporters of our country with them is very smooth.
This smooth communication helps them to expand their markets to these countries. Basically, if both countries have a positive perception of each other about law and order, then the trade, relations and cultural exchanges between the two countries are very easy and beautiful.
Could there be any recent security threats to diplomats and the business community?
No threat is likely at this time and it was not earlier, there was never any direct threat to diplomats.
However, after the Holy Artisan incident of 2017, many countries were concerned about the security of their embassies.
Moreover, the assassination of a Japanese citizen and an official of the Saudi embassy were also embarrassing.
However, no such incident happened after that and the Diplomatic Security Division is always working to provide security to all diplomats.
How many police personnel are working in your division?
Currently, around 1100 police officers are working in this division, whose main job is to ensure the safety of diplomats. Gulshan, Baridhara, Banani, Agargaon.
Diplomatic security police provide security 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to the embassies and high commissions, residence of ambassador and diplomats, diplomatic schools, diplomatic clubs like Nordic Club, American Club, Dutch Club, International Club, German Club, Australian Club along with other international organizations around Gulshan, Baridhara, Banani, Agargaon, and Dhanmondi area of the capital.
We also provide security to various donor agencies.
What types of security you provide to the diplomats?
As part of the security, we supervise the outer periphery of each embassy. We keep an eye on this so that no unwanted person can enter here and unwanted incident happens.
Moreover, police escort ambassadors and diplomats within DMP area and coordinate while diplomatic movement moves outside Dhaka city along with venue security for any program arranged by diplomats within embassy or at hotels.
In addition, we also provide security for their various meetings, cultural programs, banquet programs, family movements etc. We have teams in the diplomatic area to patrol.
Moreover, the concerned police station, RAB, intelligence agencies also do their routine patrolling and we patrol in coordination with them if needed.
We conduct all our activities under the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Commissioner.
Do the division supervise the issue of digital security?
Yes, here is the LOCC project, which includes street-to-street CCTV cameras.
Gulshan Crime Division mainly supervises it and we also look after in coordination with them. We take immediate action whenever an incident occurs.
Now what else is needed for further security? What can you ask the government? Please tell me from your experience.
Well, we have also some requests. If all the diplomatic offices can be brought into one area by establishing diplomatic enclaves, we can easily provide more security.
Besides, a fulfilled police line next to this diplomatic area will be also convenient for us.
At present our police line has no ground for parade, for sports, exercise or recreation of the force in the leisure period.
It is known to all that PT and parade are regular part of our normal activities.
One of our requests is to establish a dedicated police line for the diplomatic division.
Is your current force enough to maintain security?
It’s not really enough. A number of personnel were on vacation in various occasions and a number of have to go on vacation for various reasons, some may be sick, some have training programs.
We cannot use full force at a time. As a result, the pressure on the duty officials increases a lot.
For this reason, increasing the manpower in the force would be beneficial.
How can dealing with diplomats help a country’s business?
Due to our good relations with diplomats many problems can be solved through personal discussions.
This good relations with various commerce chambers and business community help boosting their trade.
This relationship is having an impact on imports, exports, investments, technology, manpower exports etc.
Share any of your interesting story with us.
Interesting story! Okay, when the Covid-19 started spreading in our country, many police officers were getting infected, some were dying.
The morale of many policemen in the barracks was weakened by this and fear intensifying.
At that time, we started practicing yoga regularly to boost the morale of police. Diplomats of many countries started to join with us then and many of them shared it with people of their country.
More than 40 media from home and abroad have promoted it. It was a milestone act, which played a major role in boosting everyone’s mental courage.
What are your future career plans?
We have to follow government rules and regulations in performing our duties.
I want to serve people wherever I am posted. My new posting is on ATU. My plan is that no terrorist can be born in our country, I will work in such a way. I will continue my efforts to ensure that the entire world remains safe from the clutches of terrorism.
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