SAF event to focus on sustainable production

Opportunities for sustainable clothing production in Bangladesh will be highlighted as part of the upcoming Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) event on 16th March.
SAF 2023 brings together clothing manufacturers, government officials and policy makers, with more than 60 speakers and 20 exhibitors presenting green production technologies.
Event organiser Mostafiz Uddin said: “At every major fashion brand, the conversation is the same right now. It is ‘how can we reduce our carbon emissions in order to meet net zero targets’.
“For years, fashion brands focused on their own retail operations, but the research shows that up to 90 per cent of carbon emissions take place at Tier 3 level – in other words in supply chains.
“That is why events such as Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) are so critical, as they offer an opportunity to explore the challenges, we face in reducing emissions and improving sustainability performance.”
Uddin added that while the SAF will focus on environmental issues, it would also explore social issues, including better wages and rights for garment workers.
The past two years had seen a shift away from voluntary agreements by the apparel industry towards hard rules and regulations.
Penalties for failing to improve sustainability performance would mean lost business for fashion brands as well as potentially falling foul of supply chain due diligence laws.
“Ours is an industry which is changing like never before. Sourcing teams are making key strategic decisions, in many cases taking production out of China as they look to save costs and reduce their dependence on that country.
“This represents an opportunity for Bangladesh but only if we present ourselves as a genuinely green and sustainable alternative. At Sustainable Apparel Forum 2023 we will present our vision for greener, cleaner, more ethical supply chains to the outside world.”
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