Still, a physical show represent added value that technology cannot compensate

How global pandemic effects physical sourcing fair?
As we all know, physical events on an international level, have been very rare over the past two years. That is of course not because buyers and manufacturers are no longer interested in such encounters, on the contrary. When we organized our first Le Showroom event in Paris, in February 2021, we could truly feel the enthusiasm of the buyers to finally have the chance to feel and touch the fabrics. That is a very important aspect in the textile industry as well as the direct, face to face contact is for all business relations. We are now in the starting blocks for our first physical trade fair in two years, in Le Bourget, and are quite optimistic about it despite the current context. We have never imagined such a long break and are eager to see both manufacturers and buyers back at the exhibition ground.
Is online/digital fair preferred solution instead of physical fair in coming days?
For the fashion and textile market to see the products, to see all the subtlety of a material, the details of a print or the finish of a fabric, is very important. Digital tools cannot replace that. They are of course unavoidable in our current context. I think we are all grateful we have access to all the technology that makes it possible for us to continue working and keep in touch with clients around the globe. The digital sourcing platforms have become a significant complementary solution. Still, a physical show like Texworld Evolution Paris, represent added value that technology cannot compensate also in terms of new business opportunities that it offers.
What should be the innovation and value adding service in future by the fair organizer for the buyer and the manufacturer?
I think that as a trade fair organizer we need to be open in our dialogue with our clients, especially in times like these. I also think that we need to take our role further and beyond the 4 days event held twice a year. We need to invent ways for our clients to stay in touch with the market in a more continuous way. An additional digital service is one way of doing so but also by sharing business intelligence and by providing services that could accompany our clients in their development, to play the role of a true business partner for our clients.
To promote Bangladeshi apparel, leather and other export oriented business what else Messe frank[1]furt can offer in future?
Apparel, Leather, Textile, you have knocked on the right door ! Messe Frankfurt France provides a platform for all those products. BARBARA KURDZIEL Show Director Texworld & Avantex Paris With over 20 years of experience in the fashion and textile industry with major global groups such as H&M, Barbara Kurdziel has also been a fashion consultant for Le Printemps, one of the biggest dept. stores in France and has run her own press and sales agency representing Scandinavian up and coming designers. She jointed Messe Frankfurt France 10 years ago as Communication Manager and moved on to the Show Director positon 5 years ago. Still, a physical show represent added value that technology connot compensate 42 Bangladesh textile journal | April-June 2022 Paris in 2020, February when Corona’s journey just began and the people were afraid to mix with the Chinese. In general, Texworld, Paris is crowded with Chinese manufacturer but in 2020 February, half of them didn’t participated. The presence of the designers and buyers from USA and Europe were also decreased. I can vividly memorize that most of the people out there were so sure about the September show. But everyone’s hopes have been dashed by this deadly virus. No international fair is back to live yet. Although the various fairs in Frankfurt, Tokyo, Paris, London, New York are supposed to come live from this February. At the time of writing this report, we don’t know if they did. But even one can organize a Interview The shows that we organize, offer great business opportunities that we would be delighted to offer to a higher number of Bangladeshi companies than what we currently do. It is always more relevant to showcase a country participation if the companies are numerous. I think that there is great potential in Bangladesh and I hope that we will be able to work closely with more companies from that part of the world in the future.
Do you have any plan to expand this popular fair in the Indian sub continent in future as Messe frankfurt arranged in China?
On a personal level, I think that is a very interesting idea ! I do not know if the board of Messe Frankfurt has such plans. I’ll pass on this suggestion. It is definitely import[1]ant to keep an open mind and cease the opportunities that arise.
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