PDS Inaugurates Solar Power Facility at GSSL in Bangladesh

PDS Limited has introduced its third annual sustainability report, coinciding with the inauguration of a solar power facility at its manufacturing unit, Green Smart Shirts Ltd (GSSL), situated in Bangladesh.
The PDS Group’s Sustainability Report for 2023 sheds light on the various initiatives undertaken by PDS and its business divisions, all of which align with the company’s four pillars of sustainability: Respect Water, Reduce Emissions, Think Circular, and Build Community. The report comprehensively outlines the company’s progress in achieving key milestones within each sustainability pillar.
The second notable initiative is the launch of the GSSL solar power plant in Bangladesh. This power plant generates one megawatt (MWh) of renewable green energy and has the potential to offset more than 10,000 tons/kWh of carbon emissions over its lifetime. Following the installation of the solar power plant, the facility is on track to upgrade its LEED certification from gold to platinum, according to the company’s press release.
Sanjay Jain, Group Chief Executive Officer, emphasized how sustainability is interwoven into the very fabric of the organization. He highlighted PDS’s promise to a sustainable future, including achievements such as water conservation in their factories and community-building initiatives worldwide.
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