German Business Council (GBC) launches in Bangladesh

The German Business Council (GBC) has officially been launched on Thursday, 13th October 2022 GBC is an association of German private companies operating in Bangladesh. This organization aims to encourage investment and trade with Bangladesh and provide a social environment for business networking for German companies.
GBC was formally registered as a trust on 24 December 2019. It is presently managed by five
Board of Trustees representing key German businesses in Bangladesh. The embassy of Germany in Bangladesh officially affiliates this platform in Bangladesh. In a press conference at the German ambassador’s residence GBC Chairman Mr. Md. Sazzadul Hassan stated that, this association will be much more active and focused to deliver its keybobjectives, GBC would one of the key partners in strengthening the bilateral business relationship between Germany and Bangladesh.
Ambassador Achim Troster welcomed the initiative and expressed his hope that the German Business Council will become the focal point for German business interests in Bangladesh and serve as an advisory body for German enterprises as well as for the German Embassy.
Germany is an important business partner of Bangladesh and the second largest importer of products from Bangladesh. Bilateral trade amounted to 9.3 billion US-$ in 2021. Around 60 German companies have permanent representations in the country.
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